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Religious Education

RE Subject Policy

RE Curriculum In Detail (inc EYFS)

RE Curriculum (inc EYES)

RE Progression of Skills 

Religious Education has never been more relevant, engaging or challenging as religion and religious issues feature daily in our world and events in the news. Children need to be able to understand our constantly changing world, they need to be able to interpret religious issues & evaluate their significance.  As children learn more about the religions of the world and spiritual experience they gain insight into the diverse beliefs & opinions held by people today.  They learn to understand the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface in their lives.  RE also does important work encouraging young people to value themselves & the communities within which they live.

Our RE curriculum is based upon the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus for RE. Children learn about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism. They will visit religious buildings and have visitors from different religions to talk to them. Children are given opportunity to explore and handle religious artefacts and to develop their understanding of how and why these are important within a religion.

Through our RE teaching we aim to extend children’s knowledge of the main religions of the world and to enable them to develop respect and tolerance for peoples’ beliefs and faith.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education lessons.